13 Thoughts Crosses Every Girl’s Mind After Sleeping With Her Guy Best Friend

Having a guy best friend is truly a blessing. Guy best friend is the best thing that could happen in one’s life. You can share everything with them and you can trust them with all your secrets. They are like an anchor to your sinking ship as they will always have your back when you are struggling in your life.

They are the shoulder to cry on, they make you laugh and also make you feel loved and special. But what if one day you end up sleeping with them. How will you react? How will you face them? Most importantly what thoughts will cross your mind? Well, we have an idea.

Here are some of the thoughts that cross every girl’s mind after sleeping with their guy best friend.

1. Should we talk about it?

friends with benefits

Well, this will be the first thought that will cross your mind. After all, you did something that you never dreamt of, hopefully.

2. What now?

friends with benefits

You would definitely want to know as to what twists and turns your relationship will take.

3. What would he be thinking?

friends with benefits

Every girl would want to know the reaction of the guy whom she slept with. You would be curious to know that whether all this was just a ‘do and forget’ for him or he has some feelings.

4. Can we be best friends anymore?

friends with benefits

Having sex changes everything. Even if you try to be ignorant about it your “friendship” will no longer be same.

5. Did I ruin my friendship?

friends with benefits

This is an issue every girl would be worried about. Because deep down you don’t want to lose your best friend but he may start ignoring you after this.

6. Do we have feelings for each other?

friends with benefits

It would take a lot to remain best buddies after your one-night stand. So, you might as well give it a thought that whether you like him or not. If he has shown any interest in you ever or not? The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about your relationship.

7. Can sex lead to unexpected feelings?

friends with benefits

Maybe you don’t love each other. But what if you start feeling jealous seeing him with another girl. These feelings will be foreign to you, right?

8. Does he have feelings for me?

friends with benefits

It may be a one-night stand for one person and something serious for the other person. What if he wants to have a serious relationship with you but you’re not ready for that. How will you deal with such a messy situation?

9. Is this a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship?

friends with benefits

It can be a one-time thing or it can lead to something that may become a regular thing. What if you both want to have a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship? Tough choice, I know.

10. Can we have a relationship?

friends with benefits

Some of the girls will surely have this feeling where they would want to find a partner in their BFF.

11. Will he tell his other friends about it?

friends with benefits

Since he is your best friend you know him pretty well and will probably know the answer to this question. But I think he shouldn’t tell anything about it to any of his other friends.

12. Is he regretting it?

friends with benefits

Did he leave before you woke up? Has he changed? Is there any awkwardness in the same air? If you can keep track of these questions then you will get an answer for sure.

13. Should we move on?

friends with benefits

Have you talked about it or not? If not then probably you both don’t want anything to do with it. But if you want to sort this out and you can’t handle the awkwardness anymore then maybe you should talk about it before you decide to move on.

Friendship is the best gift thing in this world. So never do anything that can ruin it completely.

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