10 Unusual International Borders That Will Shock You

What is the first thing that crosses your mind when you hear the word “Borders”? High tension, secured checkpoints, isolated areas, isn’t it? But maybe not always. Yes! You read it right. This is not always the same case. There are so many different places which have unusual borders.

These international borders are so incredible that you might not even be able to spot it with naked eyes. They are extremely exquisite and unique.

Check them out!

1. Latvia and Estonia


Latvia and Estonia are divided by the border of a sea. It’s one of the very beautiful borders all around the world.

2. Netherlands and Belgium


Netherlands and Belgium have the most unusual borders. They are both separated by the designed tiles and runs through the town Baarle.

3. Sweden and Norway


Sweden and Norway share many cool borders like this one. They have some of the coolest and most stunning borders ever.

4. Poland and Ukraine


As I told you that borders are generally a place with high tension lingering there. But these giant fishes symbolizes that these nations have great unity and understanding with each other.

5. The USA and Canada


This border runs through Derby Line town and many buildings pass through this line. It’s amusing that sometimes a family cooks in the USA and eats in Canada.

6. Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay


Parana and Iguazu river separates this beautiful border between these three countries.

7. North Korea and South Korea


These two countries share a unique border. This border divides nations according to their thinking and the diversity.

8. Argentina and Chile


Argentina and Chile are divided by a statue of Jesus Christ which was placed here in the year 1904. This statue symbolizes the peace between the two countries.

9. The USA and Mexico


The above photo clearly shows a border between the two countries. On the left, it is San Diego, USA and on the right side is Tijuana, Mexico.

10. Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria


There is a triangular table set at the border which holds the flags of these countries. This simple triangular table is the tri-point of Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria.

Hope you like it. Share and comment below.

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