13 Steps To Avoid Compromising Your Happiness By Being Rude

Being nice is good but you should know when and where you should be nice. You should also know that to whom you should be nice. People often use your niceness for their benefit and harm you in return. That’s when you need to avoid you not so nice mode so that you can avoid a lot of drama.

It is often seen that by being nice we lose our happiness. So it’s time to switch on your rude mode so that people can get the hint that whom are they actually dealing with.

Take a look ahead to know more.

1. Don’t let others prevent you from evolving

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Your haters will always try and stop you. But don’t let them dictate your life.

2. Stop letting others walk all over you

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Don’t let other people tell you what to do and what not to do. They use you like a doormat. Don’t let others insult you and decide for yourself.

3. Your parents are no exception

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You deserve equal respect from your parents as well. Don’t let them do what you won’t let anyone else do to you.

4. Say NO

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Never say maybe when you’re in no mood of doing it. Just say ‘NO’ when you don’t want to avoid it. ‘Maybe’ gives an impression that you’re willing to do it.

5. Be kind but don’t take shit

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You can be kind, sweet, gentle and lovely with people but when they give you a reason for not being nice then don’t be nice.

6. Always do exactly what you want to do

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Do whatever you feel like doing at the moment. It may not be the right thing to do but still, do it for yourself.

7. Don’t beg for someone’s time

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People don’t care about you, trust me. It doesn’t matter to them that whether you need them or not. So don’t wait for them.

8. Don’t worry about being an ass

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Not being nice can often lead to you being an ass. But if the person deserves that then be an ass.

9. Appreciate yourself

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Never ever hate or doubt yourself. You should know how to appreciate yourself.

10. Cut out the unwanted people

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When someone has turned into a poison in your life, then don’t be afraid of cutting them out. It’s better to keep the snake away.

11. Don’t be ashamed of blocking someone

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There are a lot of people who unwantedly barge into your life. You don’t have to necessarily be friends with them or even talk to them. Just go ahead and block them.

12. Break the rules time to time

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Rules are meant to be broken. You should go ahead and break the rules. As soon as you break the rules the possibilities of happenings increase.

13. Don’t try to provoke your kindness

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We all want to be liked by everyone, but that never happens. You don’t always get the needed attention. Not everyone will like and that’s fine.

Hope you like it. Share and comment below.

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