Have you ever had a crush on someone so deep that you lose your sleep? If yes, then you must remember that phase where you’ve done a few good things and where you’ve done a few stupid things. That phase teaches us a lot but the fun part comes when we finally move out of that phase.
But while being in that phase we learn a lot of things. Remember how many times you just wanted to go up to them and tell them how you feel but you are not able to do it. Some of us are brave enough to actually tell them but others fail to do it and eventually that phase it over.
Read ahead to know more about that phase.
1. Instant comparison
You are extremely to see such a man infront of you. But you still make comparisons with your exes and that’s obvious.
2. Stalker instinct
You automatically become a stalker. Your eyes search for them everywhere you go. You spend less time thinking about how to approach them but more time stalking them.
3. Helpless imaginations
You often start imagining the dating phase with them and that’s okay. You may not have it with them but you sure as hell can imagine it well.
4. But fail to say anything
But you turn completely dumb when they come up to you or when you walk to them. You forget what you were about to say to them. You suddenly start blabbering and end up saying something embarrassing.
5. It kills you slowly
The level of anxiety kills you slowly. You start thinking that whether you will ever be able to talk to them. And this is the phase when you start thinking that this is not a crush but love.
6. You are afraid of accidentally entering the friend-zone
You try so hard that you guys never become friends and you secretly wish to date them. But when you become friends then you suddenly start imagining how it would be if you were both dating and that upsets you a little.
7. Ditching your friends
You are always ready to be with them even if it means missing all your plans and ditching your friends so that you can be with them. At the same time, you also have butterflies in your stomach.
8. Over-confidence
If that person tries to contact you anyway, you would try and act confident, maybe a little more confident then needed. That can prove to be good and bad both for your future.
9. You’re constantly restless
You are constantly thinking that whether they like you or not. This also makes you completely restless.
10. And so binge eating and drinking is your go to
All this becomes so stressful that you try to eat, drink, cry, and imagine. You suddenly forget what is healthy and what is not.
11. You analyze everything deeply
You observe and analyze his each and every move. You are always wondering the hidden motives behind his actions.
12. Over-excitement over a ‘YES’
If he even says yes to anything then you become over excited.
13. Insomnia
You often cannot sleep just because you are either thinking about them or you are waiting for their text.
14. You start doubting your own sanity
Sometimes this crushing phase makes you doubt yourself. You become easily uncomfortable around them. It becomes oddly awkward.
15. Driving yourself crazy
For one that you’re not sure about their feelings towards you makes you go totally mad.
16. Jealousy is a given
You tend to forget that he/she is your crush and not your lover. And you often get jealous when they talk to some other person.
17. You text friends for advice
Since you are already aware that you become a lost cause as soon as you face them that’s why you don’t trust yourself around them. So you depend on your best friend to help you out and that’s why you text them asking for advice.
18. In search of peace
Afraid that you will either get a panic attack or heart attack you decide to go out and tell them about your feelings. So that you can search some inner peace for yourself.
19. Finally, you face the reality and BAM!
Finally, that day comes when you realize that you no longer have that crush and you are too awesome to be clinging to some guy/girl. That’s when you move on in your life.
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