7 Types Of Men Every Woman Should Date

Dating is a fun process and everyone is crazy about it. You meet different kinds of guys with different views and perception. You meet a hell lot of guys while dating which makes you an expert in dating. The thing about dating is that you never know when one of the fools you are dating slips into your heart. And while you know that he is not Mr. right other guy flips in. As it is said you have to kiss a lot of toads before meeting the prince, same goes in the dating scene. You have to meet different kind of guys before meeting the Mr. Right. Here are different kind of guys you should date at least once in your lifetime.

1. A Guy with really good taste in music


Dating a guy with great taste in music broadens your taste in music for the rest of your life. He will introduce you to new bands, genres which will get you through the bad days.

2. Your Polar opposite


A guy who is totally opposite to you in everything your views, tastes. It is a kind of adventure dating an opposite guy.

3. An extreme athlete

athelete person

Surfers, skateboarders and snowboarders are adventure loving guys. You can cut off an extreme sport off your bucket list.

4. Your Twin


Twin is the best thing for a short-term plan. they are exactly like you, with same views, tastes, thoughts and everything.

5. A not so bright minded

dumb guy

Dating this kind of guy can be fun. You will have many moments to enjoy and celebrate. He may not be the intelligent guy but he will be the guy with big heart.

6. A Jerk

jerk guy

Yes, totally yes, date that ass hole once in your lifetime for knowing your worth. These guys are to be dated once and only once for a very short period of time.

7. The Nerd

nerd guy

It is important to date a nerd as they are going to boost your IQ and more than that they will be creatures with beautiful mind and soul.


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