Dumb Things Almost All The Couple Fights On

A relationship is a beautiful and a very important part of everyone’s life. It is a beautiful phase where you fall in love with a complete stranger who soon becomes dearest to you and with whom you want to spend each and every moment with. No matter what the situation is, sad or happy he is the one who strikes your mind and with whom you want to celebrate the moment or share your feelings with. Having and partner and falling in love with him is a wonderful and one of the best feeling you can ever have. No matter what the relationship is long distance or short distance, each relationship has its own pros and cons. Life is beautiful when you are in love with someone, everything changes when you fall for someone, the world seems to be more beautiful than ever before. Falling in love has a special feeling in itself, no matter what kind of love you are in, it always gives you goosebumps. Fights are very normal in a relationship, almost all the couples fight on small things but there are few dumb things which are not even appropriate for fighting. So, here are hilariously dumb things almost all the couples fight about.

1. TV Remote

Couples Fighting Over Remote

Fighting over TV remote is the most common and dumb fight anyone can have. All the couples fight over this for watching their favourite show.

2. Music in the car


You cant play two songs at one time and this turns into a fight. Fighting over songs and playlist is the dumbest fight couples do.

3. No reply


No reply on WhatsApp even after blue tick-marks is the biggest and most common fight among couples. Blue tick-marks create problems that nobody can ever imagine.

4. Bed Problem

Hot Women In Bed

Who will sleep on the right side and who will sleep on the left side, this is still a topic for a fight among few couples.

5. Celeb argument


This is hilarious, fighting over each other’s favourite celeb, praising them and always trying to be on the top.

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