Amid the pandemic Coronavirus, everyone is taking precautionary steps to stay away and be safe. The latest Safe Hands Challenge in which people are posting videos of themselves washing their hands properly. the Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone was nominated and she shared a video and further nominated Virat Kohli, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Roger Federer to take up the challenge.
In the video, we can see the Padmavat actress Deepika washing her hands vigorously in her washroom. She captioned the video as, “Thank You @DrTedros , for nominating me for the #SafeHands Challenge!#COVID19 surely is an uphill health and public safety task, but all of us are in this fight together!I further nominate @rogerfederer, @Cristiano and @imVkohli to take up this challenge! #coronavirus #StaySafe”.
Take a look