Taking cognisance of the fake news asserting that a Tanishq showroom in Gandhidham, Kutch, was attacked following the questionable ‘love jihad’ advertisement, the Home Minister of Gujarat, Pradipsinh Jadeja has requested the respected authorities register a case and start action against the fake news peddlers.
Jadeja took to Twitter to declare that the fake news about an attack on a showroom in Gandhidham was a propelled endeavour to disrupt the law and order and instigate violence in Gujarat.
“The news of an attack on a showroom in Gandhidham, Kutch by NDTV is totally fake. This is a motivated attempt to adversely impact the law & order & incite violence in Gujarat. I have asked to register a case & take strict action against those who spread this fake news,” Jadeja tweeted.
In the midst of the discussion encompassing the commercial by Tanishq Jewelry which was charged by numerous by many as an attempt to subtly promote ‘love jihad’, NDTV today published a ‘breaking news’ that the Gandhidham showroom was ‘attacked’.
In the article distributed a couple of moments after this ‘breaking news’, cited no one and had no details about the ‘attack’. A few minutes later, NDTV put up a video wherein one of NDTV’s employees claimed that a ‘mob attack’ took place on the 12th evening, the day social media users were angered with the advertisement. NDTV claimed the manager was forced to write a written apology for the advertisement.
After NDTV’s tweet about an attack on a showroom became a web sensation, a netizen Dr. Neel posted a sound bite of his discussion with the showroom manager who rubbished the cases of crowd assault as asserted by NDTV. While conversing with Dr. Neel, the manager completely denies being attacked by anybody. The person handling the showroom himself was unaware of the alleged ‘mob attack’ on the showroom. He later denied how there was no attack and thanked Dr. Neel.
Not long after NDTV ran the updates on the showroom being assaulted by a crowd, a few established press associations got the report by NDTV without confirming if the attack had in reality occurred.
The Kutch Police explained that there was no attack on the showroom and the fake updates on the showroom being attacked and stripped by a furious horde was flowed for propaganda.